5 Advanced SEO Tips to Help Your Business Grow

By A1 SEO Tips | Posted on December 8, 2022

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The practice of SEO is always adapting to new technologies as they emerge. If you want your business to thrive online, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest SEO trends and tips.

Here are 5 advanced SEO tips that will help your business grow.

  1. Target long-tail keywords
  2. Optimize for voice search
  3. Focus on mobile-first indexing
  4. Map out an effective content marketing strategy
  5. Make use of Google’s tools and resources

Target Long-tail Keywords

If you’re looking to improve your SEO, one of the best things you can do is focus on long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are 3 or 4 keyword phrases that are specific and targeted to what you are selling or the service you are providing. For example, instead of targeting just “shoes,” you would target “women’s running shoes size 8.” Long-tail keywords are less competitive than general keywords, which means they are easier to rank for—and they usually convert better, too.

With the advent of virtual assistants, people are beginning to use voice search more frequently to find what they want. That’s why it’s important to optimize your website for voice search. When people use voice search, they tend to ask full questions rather than just single keywords. So, make sure your website includes question-based content that uses natural language. If you’re looking to improve your ranking in voice search results, this is the post for you.

Focus on Mobile-First Indexing

Mobile devices are now the primary way people access the internet – which means it’s more important than ever to have a mobile-friendly website. Google has even started using mobile-first indexing, which means they now primarily crawl and index websites based on their mobile version rather than their desktop version. So, if you want your website to rank high in Google results, you need to make sure your website is optimized for mobile devices. You can do this by using responsive design, ensuring fast loading times, and making sure all your content is easily viewable on a small screen.

Google Search Console is a great tool that can help you see how your website is performing on mobile devices and identify any issues that need to be fixed.

Map Out an Effective Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing is essential for any business that wants to succeed online and that means creating high-quality blog posts, infographics, videos, etc., on a regular basis. But it’s not enough just to create this content you also need an effective content marketing strategy that will help you promote your content and get it seen by as many people as possible. This includes promoting your content across social media channels, email newsletters, forums, and other websites (through guest blogging and other outreach efforts). Creating great content is only half the battle you also need to make sure people can actually see it!

Make Use of Google’s Tools & Resources

Google offers a wide variety of tools and resources that can be extremely helpful for businesses trying to improve their SEO ranking and many of them are free! Some of our favorites include:

  1. Google Search Console – This tool lets you see how your website is performing in Google searches and identify any errors that need to be fixed
  2. Google Analytics – This tool lets you track your website traffic so you can see how well your SEO efforts are paying off.
  3. Google Keyword Planner – This tool helps you research relevant keywords so you can incorporate them into your website.

By taking advantage of these free tools offered by Google, you can give your business a real leg up in the fight for better search engine rankings


Search engine optimization is an ever-changing field, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest strategies and tactics if you want to succeed. But by focusing on long-tail keywords, optimizing for voice search, using mobile-first indexing, creating an effective content marketing strategy, and utilizing Google’s tools and resources, you can set your business up for success and get the search engine rankings you need. Good luck!